Athens, GA                    Athens, GA

Local Courts, Instruction and Racket Stringing

Athens Country Club (private)  12 courts  Instruction  706-354-7126


Athens Tennis Center (East Athens)  12 courts  Instruction



Bishop Park (Athens)  11 courts  Instruction  706-613-3589


Georgia Club CC (Statham) (semi-private) 6 courts  Instruction



Herman C. Michael Park (Oconee County) 4 adult 2 junior courts

Instruction by Tall Socks Tennis   706-769-2954


Jenning Mill CC (Bogart) (semi-private) 9 courts  

Instruction   706-548-0660


Madison County High School  10 courts


Morgan County High School  8 courts


Oconee Veterans Park OVP (Oconee County) 8 courts


Satterfield Park (East Athens)  3 courts but in bad shape


UGA Intermural Field  15 courts


Racket Stringing is available at Athens Tennis Center, Classic City Racquet Sports, Dick's Sporting Goods, Georgia Club CC, Jennings Mill CC, and Red Racket Tennis.



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UGA visits the Tennis Team
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